How to Paint Cabinet Hardware

How to Paint Cabinet Hardware That Look New

Cabinet hardware, such as handles, knobs, and hinges, are essential components that add both functionality and style to your cabinetry. Over time, these elements can become worn, dated, or tarnished, making your cabinets look less appealing. One cost-effective solution is to paint your cabinet hardware, giving it a fresh and updated appearance. This guide will take you through the process of painting your cabinet hardware.

Remove Hardware for Painting

When preparing cabinets for a fresh coat of paint, it’s important to first remove all hardware like hinges, knobs and pulls.

Taking hardware off allows you to paint the cabinets thoroughly without obstructions. Lay out the removed hardware on a towel and tape each type together to keep them organized.

Make sure to have a screwdriver ready to take the hardware parts out. For hinges, the doors will need to be detached as well. Number doors and frames with painter’s tape so you can easily realign them later.

Removing hardware takes time but prevents paint build-up and allows for a smooth painted finish.

How Do You Prepare Hardware for Painting?

Proper preparation is key before painting hardware for cabinets. Start by cleaning grease and grime from hardware using a degreaser.

For brass and stainless steel hardware, use a specialized metal cleaner. Gently scrub with a soft cloth or brush. Rinse and let dry completely.

Check hardware for pitting or corrosion and smoothen out areas with fine-grit sandpaper. Wipe clean after sanding to remove residue.

Use painter’s tape to cover areas you don’t want painted. For hinges, wrap the internal movable parts with tape to prevent jamming.

Prime hardware with spray primer formulated for metal to improve paint adhesion. Let the primer dry completely before painting.

How to Strip Paint from Old Hardware

If refinishing old painted hardware, you’ll need to properly strip the existing paint first. Using a paint scraper, try removing paint by hand.

For stubborn areas, apply a chemical paint stripper and leave it on for the recommended time before scraping.

The paint stripper helps bubble and lift the old finish. Wipe off residue with mineral spirits. Make sure to use stripping products in a ventilated area.

After using chemicals, wash the hardware in warm soapy water and scrub with steel wool to take off leftover paint spots.

Rinse and dry completely before repainting. Wear gloves during the stripping process for safety.

How Do You Clean Old Hardware Before Painting?

Give antique or salvaged hardware a good cleaning before repainting them for your cabinets. Fill a sink or bucket with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap.

Soak hardware for 15-20 minutes to loosen dirt and debris. Use an old toothbrush to gently scrub and get rid of grime from grooves and corners.

Rinse under running water. For brass hardware, clean tarnish by making a paste of baking soda, salt, and vinegar.

Rub paste using a soft cloth. Wipe clean with water and dry completely. Check for rust on old iron hardware and remove it before painting.

Proper cleaning provides the base for successful paint adhesion.

Do You Need to Sand Hardware Before Painting?

Lightly sanding hardware prior to painting has its advantages. Use fine-grit sandpaper-like 220 or 400 and go over knobs, hinges, pulls, etc.

This helps rough up the surface and allows the paint to bond better. Be sure to wipe off dust after sanding using a dry cloth.

Sand curved, beveled, or ornate hardware gently to avoid losing details. Use a sanding sponge for these types of hardware.

Sanding provides a cleaned surface, improves adhesion, and helps paint last longer. However, for brand new hardware sanding is not compulsory before painting if the surface is already smooth.

What Kind of Paint Do You Use on Hardware?

When choosing paint for coating metal cabinet hardware, go for spray paints formulated specifically for metal and hardware use.

Look for enamel or lacquer-based spray paints in either gloss or matte finish. Gloss paint is more durable for high-contact hardware like knobs and pulls.

A matte finish is preferable for hinges. Avoid outdoor paints as they may fade or deteriorate. Buy primer made for metal also.

For a long-lasting finish on hardware, apply 2-3 thin coats allowing drying time between coats. Proper metal paint adheres perfectly providing a smooth polished look.

How to paint cabinet hardware hinges?

Here are some tips for painting cabinet hinges – Remove hinge pins before spraying paint and keep them separate.

Clean the hinges well and sand them if required. Place the hinges on cardboard and apply spray primer on both sides.

Let it dry. Position hinges on sticks or blocks while spraying paint to access all surfaces. Apply thin coats of spray paint letting each coat dry in between.

Use painter’s tape to cover areas you don’t want painted. Once painted, leave the hinges aside for a few hours for the paint to cure fully before reassembling and installing.

With some careful prep and painting, your old cabinet hinges can look brand new!

How to Paint Cabinet Hardware

Materials and Tools

Before you begin, gather the following materials and tools:

  • Screwdriver or drill (for removing hardware)
  • Cleaning solution (mild dish soap and water)
  • Soft cloth or sponge
  • Sandpaper (220-grit)
  • Painters tape
  • Primer (spray or brush-on)
  • Spray paint or brush-on paint (for metal surfaces)
  • Clear topcoat (spray or brush-on)
  • Protective gloves
  • Respirator mask
  • Drop cloth or plastic sheeting
  • Cardboard box or paint stand (for spray painting)

Step 1: Remove and Clean the Hardware

  1. Using a screwdriver or drill, carefully remove the hardware from your cabinets. If you have varying hardware types or sizes, it’s helpful to label or organize them to make reinstallation easier.
  2. Mix a cleaning solution of mild dish soap and warm water. Using a soft cloth or sponge, clean the hardware to remove dirt, grease, and grime. Ensure all hardware is thoroughly cleaned and free of residue, then let it dry completely.

Step 2: Prepare the Hardware

  1. Wearing protective gloves, lightly sand the hardware’s surface with 220-grit sandpaper to remove any existing finish and roughen the surface for better paint adhesion.
  2. Wipe down the hardware with a damp cloth to remove any sanding dust, and let it dry completely.
  3. If necessary, use painter’s tape to mask off any areas that you don’t want to be painted, such as threads or moving parts.

Step 3: Prime the Hardware

  1. Apply a coat of primer to the hardware, following the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended application method (spray or brush-on) and drying time.
  2. If using spray primer, work in a well-ventilated area, and wear a respirator mask to protect yourself from fumes. Set up a cardboard box or paint stand to hold the hardware pieces, allowing you to easily rotate and access all sides.

Step 4: Paint the Hardware

  1. After the primer has dried completely, apply your chosen paint to the hardware. Spray paint typically provides a smoother finish, while brush-on paint offers more control.
  2. Apply thin, even coats, allowing the paint to dry between coats as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Two to three coats are usually sufficient for full coverage.
  3. If using spray paint, maintain a consistent distance of 8-12 inches from the hardware and use sweeping motions to prevent drips.

Step 5: Apply a Clear Topcoat

  1. Once the paint has fully dried, apply a clear topcoat to protect the hardware and give it a finished look. Choose a topcoat that is compatible with your paint type (spray or brush-on).
  2. Apply thin, even coats, allowing the topcoat to dry between applications as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 6: Reinstall the Hardware

  1. After the topcoat has dried, carefully remove any painter’s tape and reinstall the hardware onto your cabinets, using a screwdriver or drill.

By following this guide, you can successfully paint your cabinet hardware, giving your cabinetry a fresh, updated look without the expense of purchasing new hardware. With a bit of patience and attention to detail, you can transform your cabinets and enhance your space.

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